Mathematics (MATH) Courses
MATH 20 Arithmetic
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of arithmetic with emphasis on computational skills. Topics include whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, problem solving, and applications.
MATH 30 Pre-Algebra Mathematics
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 20 with a grade of "C" or better; or equivalent skills demonstrated through the assessment process.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This pre-algebra mathematics course emphasizes: fundamental operations on integers, fractions, and decimals; formulas involving geometric figures; measurement; and solving basic equations. Topics include: fractions; decimals; signed numbers; properties of exponents; scientific notation; conversions; metric system; square and cube roots; formula evaluation; solving equations; ratios; proportions; algebraic manipulations; descriptive statistics; the rectangular coordinate system; and elementary calculator use.
MATH 70 Arithmetic Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 20
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in arithmetic skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, problem solving, and/or arithmetic concepts. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in an arithmetic-level course (MATH 20 - 29) in order to enroll in MATH 70. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 71 Pre-Algebra Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 30
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in pre-algebra skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, problem solving, algebraic manipulations and/or algebra concepts. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a pre-algebra-level course (MATH 30 - 39) in order to enroll in MATH 71. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 72 Elementary Algebra Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 100 or STAT 100
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in elementary algebra skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, problem solving, algebraic manipulations and/or algebra concepts. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in an elementary algebra-level course (MATH 100 - 109) in order to enroll in MATH 72. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 73 Intermediate Algebra/Math Literacy Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 120, 125, or 144
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in intermediate algebra skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, problem solving, algebraic manipulations and/or intermediate algebra concepts. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in an intermediate algebra-level course (MATH 120 - 129), including any mathematical literacy course (MATH 140 - 149) in order to enroll in MATH 73. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 74 Statistics/Geometry Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 110 or STAT 300
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in statistics and/or geometry skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, problem solving, algebraic manipulations, statistics and/or geometry concepts. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a statistics (STAT 300) or Geometry (MATH 110) course in order to enroll in MATH 74. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 75 Skills Lab for Miscellaneous Non-Transferable Math
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in all non-transfer-level math courses via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, problem solving, algebraic manipulations, and/or algebra concepts. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a non-transferable math course (MATH 20 – 199) in order to enroll in MATH 75. MATH 75 should only be used as a Skills Lab if there is not already a relevant Skills Lab course available that better fits the student's main math course. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 76 Trigonometry/Precalculus Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 335 or 370
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in trigonometry and/or precalculus (including college algebra) skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, advanced algebra skills, problem solving, trigonometric concepts, functions, graphs, etc. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a trigonometry (MATH 335) or precalculus (MATH 370) course in order to enroll in MATH 76. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 77 Calculus I/II Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 355, 356, 400, or 401
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in differential and/or integral calculus skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, advanced algebra skills, problem solving, calculus concepts, etc. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a differential or integral calculus course (MATH 355, 356, 400 or 401) in order to enroll in MATH 77. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request or instructor recommendation. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 78 Calculus III/DE/Linear Algebra Skills Lab
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 402, 410, or 420
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in multi-variable calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra skills via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, advanced algebra skills, problem solving, calculus concepts, etc. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a multi-variable calculus (MATH 402), linear algebra (MATH 410), or differential equations (MATH 420) course in order to enroll in MATH 78. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 79 Skills Lab for Miscellaneous Transferable Math
- Units:0.25 - 2
- Hours:13.5 - 108 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATH 300, or MATH 310, or MATH 335, or MATH 341, or MATH 355, or MATH 356, or MATH 370, or MATH 400, or MATH 401, or MATH 402, or MATH 410, or MATH 420, or MATH 483, or MATH 484, or STAT 300
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This laboratory course provides the student with assistance in all transfer-level math and statistics courses via enrollment in the campus' Math Center. It is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, advanced algebra skills, problem solving, trigonometry, calculus, etc. Students may enter the Skills Lab course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester. It is recommended that the student register for 0.25 units. This recommended unit enrollment will require the student to spend a minimum of 13.5 hours throughout the semester in the Math Center studying for the relevant course. Students can take this course again in subsequent semesters until 2.0 total units have been completed. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a transfer-level math course (MATH 300 and above) in order to enroll in MATH 79. MATH 79 should only be used as a Skills Lab if there is not already a relevant Skills Lab course available that better fits the student's main math course. Placement into this Skills Lab can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis.
MATH 81 Academic Skills in Mathematics
- Units:0.25 - 6
- Hours:13.5 - 324 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed for students concurrently enrolled in MATH 20, 30, 100, 101, 102, 110, 120, 125, or 144; placement can be made through student request, instructor recommendation, or an assessment process. This laboratory course provides assistance in math skills to students enrolled in a non-transferable mathematics course. Students may enter the course at any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester and earn 0.25 to 6 units, however, students are recommended to sign up for only 0.25 or 0.5 units. More than 0.50 units will require instructor permission. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis. MATH 81 is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, algebraic concepts or manipulation, graphing, problem solving, etc.
MATH 82 Academic Skills in Mathematics for Transfer Level
- Units:0.25 - 6
- Hours:13.5 - 324 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed for students concurrently enrolled in MATH 300, MATH 310, MATH 315, MATH 335, MATH 341, MATH 343, MATH 344, MATH 350, MATH 351, MATH 370, MATH 400, MATH 401, MATH 402, MATH 410, MATH 420, or STAT 300. This laboratory course provides assistance in math skills to students enrolled in a transferable mathematics or statistics course. Students may enter the course at any time during the semester and earn 0.25 to 6 units, however, students are recommended to sign up for only 0.25 to 0.5 units per semester. More than 0.50 units will require instructor permission. This course is graded on a pass/no-pass basis. MATH 82 is recommended for students who are encountering difficulties in the areas of math anxiety, basic skills, algebraic concepts or manipulations, graphing, statistics, problem solving, etc.
MATH 83 Guided Individualized Math Review
- Units:0.25 - 1
- Hours:13.5 - 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
The course enables students to build and review math topics that are necessary for success in any level of math/stat course. Learning objectives and the course topics will be designed based on the needs of each individual student with the guidance and support from the instructor and student tutors. This course cannot replace any existing mathematics course, and successful completion of MATH 83 currently does not satisfy any mathematics prerequisite. MATH 83 is a credit/no-credit class. Students do not need to be enrolled in any other math course to enroll in MATH 83.
MATH 85 Math Study Skills
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed to assist students in learning mathematics through the development of successful math study skills, specifically at the basic skills level (arithmetic, prealgebra, and beginning algebra). This course addresses topics such as learning styles, tools and techniques for reading a math textbook, using math homework as a learning tool, taking notes in a math class, preparing and taking exams/quizzes in a math class, and techniques for overcoming math anxiety. It is strongly advised that students be concurrently enrolled in a math course, as an opportunity to apply the learned material in real time. For further guidance and/or recommendations, students are advised to speak with someone in the math department.
MATH 100 Elementary Algebra
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 30 with a grade of "C" or better; or equivalent skills demonstrated through the assessment process.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course includes the fundamental concepts and operations of algebra with problem solving skills emphasized throughout. Topics include: properties of real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, integer exponents, polynomials, factoring polynomials. Rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, rational exponents, systems of linear equations and inequalities, the rectangular coordinate system, graphs and equations of lines, and solving quadratic equations.
MATH 110 Elementary Geometry
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 100 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement through the assessment process.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course introduces Euclidean Geometry. Topics include sets, definitions, postulates, theorems, deductive and inductive reasoning, proof, parallel lines, triangles, polygons, congruence, similarity, constructions, the Pythagorean Theorem, right triangle trigonometry, circles, analytic geometry, and elementary solid geometry.
MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 100 with a grade of "C" or better; or equivalent skills demonstrated through the assessment process.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course extends the concepts of elementary algebra with problem solving skills and applications emphasized throughout. Topics which are briefly reviewed and subsequently extended include: solving equations (quadratic, radical, rational, and systems of linear equations), graphing linear equations, simplifying expressions (polynomial, rational, radical, and those involving integer exponents), and factoring polynomials. New topics include: solving more complex equations and inequalities (exponential, logarithmic, linear and quadratic inequalities, and systems of non-linear equations), graphing more complex equations (quadratics, circles, and various functions using transformations), functions and their properties, exponential and logarithmic functions and their properties.
MATH 125 Intermediate Algebra for Statistics and Liberal Arts
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 100 or 102 with a grade of "C" or better; or equivalent skills demonstrated through the assessment process.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed for the intermediate algebra student who plans to continue only into STAT 300, ECON 310, POLS 382, PSYC 330, MATH 300, MATH 310, or MATH 315. The course topics include linear behavior, functions and graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems, and polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and radical expressions and equations. This course will feature discovery activities, applications to real data sets and problems which are current and relevant.
MATH 144 Math for Contemporary Careers
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 100 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement through the assessment process.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
In the current information age, what mathematics should every person know? This course examines the contributions of mathematics in today's world. Students will explore mathematics' on-going role in society beginning with the need for and development of number systems, logical thinking, and current processes for coding and decoding data. A major focus of the course will be contemporary methods for analyzing data and interpreting statistics to make informed decisions. Students will conclude the course by selecting a module of mathematical interest from a list of available topics drawn from vocational programs and contemporary careers such as automotive technology, construction technology, film, digital media and broadcasting, medical records, pharmacy technology or other emerging career fields.
MATH 295 Independent Studies in Mathematics
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
An independent studies project involves an individual student or small group of students in study, research, or activities beyond the scope of regularly offered courses. See the current catalog section of "Special Studies" for full details of Independent Studies.
MATH 299 Experimental Offering in Mathematics
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.
MATH 300 Introduction to Mathematical Ideas
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the equivalent
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
Introduction to Mathematical Ideas allows liberal arts students to meet general education mathematics requirements while exploring concepts and objects of mathematics in a meaningful way. This course is designed to show some of the essence and quality of mathematics, and to enhance precision in the evaluation and expression of ideas, thereby developing a student’s quantitative reasoning skills. It is recommended primarily for students who do not plan to major in a math-related field but may also be of interest to others. Course content may include topics from numeration systems, logic, geometry, probability, statistics, algebraic modeling, number theory, consumer mathematics, graph theory, voting and apportionment, and perhaps others; concepts of contemporary mathematics may be covered. Emphasis is placed on the deductive process.
MATH 310 Mathematical Discovery
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the high school equivalent (such as Math 3 or Integrated Math 3) or higher with a C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed to introduce students to the spirit of mathematics by involving them in the mathematical process of exploration, conjecture, and proof. Students will explore mathematical patterns and relations, formulate conjectures, and prove their conjectures. Areas of mathematics from which content may be derived include number theory, statistics, probability, geometry, and sequences and series. This course is recommended for students interested in a career in education.
MATH 311 Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers - Number Systems
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra (or equivalent in high school) with a grade of C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course focuses on the development of quantitative reasoning skills through in-depth, integrated explorations of topics in mathematics, including history of real number systems and subsystems, basic number theory, sets and relations, logic, mathematical induction, and current national and state curriculum standards for mathematics. It emphasizes comprehension and critical analysis of mathematical concepts and applications of logical reasoning.
MATH 333 Introduction to College Algebra
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Eligibility through the Los Rios Placement Process or High School Algebra 2 or Integrated Math 3 or Intermediate Algebra.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a transfer-level college algebra course for majors in the Liberal Arts or for BSTEM students needing to further their algebra skills before taking pre-calculus-level coursework. Topics include absolute value, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions; solving equations involving these functions; graphing these functions using rigid and non-rigid transformations; solving linear and nonlinear inequalities; systems of equations; complex numbers; and inverse functions.
MATH 335 Trigonometry with College Algebra
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the high school equivalent (such as Math 3 or Integrated Math 3) or higher with a C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is a full trigonometry course with algebra concepts reviewed, extended, and integrated when they are relevant to the trigonometric concepts. The trigonometric topics include right triangle trigonometry, unit circle trigonometry, graphs of trigonometric functions, proofs of trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equations, applications of trigonometric functions (law of sines and cosines), and inverse trigonometric functions. The algebra topics include exponential and logarithmic functions, complex numbers, conic sections, the polar coordinate system, and solving equations, inequalities, and systems of equations.
MATH 341 Calculus for Business and Economics
- Units:4
- Hours:54 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the high school equivalent (such as Math 3 or Integrated Math 3) or higher with a C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU; UC (MATH 341, 350, 355 and 400 combined: maximum transfer credit of one course)
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- C-ID:C-ID MATH 140
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course introduces the concepts and techniques of sets, functions, limits, analytic geometry and the differential and integral calculus. This course is intended for business students; it is not recommended for mathematics, physical or life science majors.
MATH 343 Modern Business Mathematics
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 120 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement through the assessment process.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed around applications of mathematics in an economic and business context. The major topics included are functions, finance (interest and exponential models), rates of change, optimization, and linear programming. The content of the course is structured to incorporate tables, graphs and data sets collected from real-world situations. This course is not recommended for mathematics or physical science majors.
MATH 355 Calculus for Biology and Medicine I
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 335 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement through the assessment process.
- Transferable:CSU; UC (1) MATH 341, 350, 355 and 400 combined: maximum transfer credit of one course; 2) MATH 350, 351, 355, 356, 400, 401, & 402 combined: maximum transfer credit of one series. )
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is an introduction to differential calculus and elementary differential equations via applications in biology and medicine. It covers limits, derivatives of polynomials, trigonometric and exponential functions, graphing, and applications of the derivative to biology and medicine. Topics include the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and techniques of integration, including integral tables and numerical methods.
MATH 356 Calculus for Biology and Medicine II
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 355 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement through the assessment process.
- Transferable:CSU; UC (1) MATH 351, MATH 356 and MATH 401 combined: maximum credit, 1 course; 2) MATH 350, 351, 355, 356, 400, 401, & 402 combined: maximum transfer credit of one series. )
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course covers matrix algebra with eigenvalues and eigenvectors, systems of linear equations, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, systems of differential equations, and applications to biology and medicine.
MATH 370 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 335 with a grade of "C" or better; or equivalent skills demonstrated through the assessment process.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course improves upon the foundational mathematics and critical thinking skills required in the calculus sequence for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors (MATH 400, 401, and 402). Course content includes a rigorous treatment of the properties of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Additional topics include systems of linear and non-linear equations and inequalities, conic sections, sequences and series, analytic geometry, vectors, parametric equations, and polar equations.
MATH 372 College Algebra for Calculus
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the high school equivalent (such as Math 3 or Integrated Math 3) or higher with a C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides a rigorous treatment of college-level algebra and its applications, focusing on preparing students for the calculus sequence for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors. Topics include polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, absolute value, and logarithmic functions, the graphs of these functions, and solving equations involving these functions; systems of equations; the theory of polynomial equations; analytic geometry including conics; sequences and series; and mathematical induction. Emphasis is given to analytical reasoning and problem-solving. Students may take this course concurrently with MATH 373 (Trigonometry for Calculus). Completing both MATH 372 AND MATH 373 with grades of "C" or better meets the prerequisite for MATH 400 (Calculus I).
MATH 373 Trigonometry for Calculus
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the high school equivalent (such as Math 3 or Integrated Math 3) or higher with a C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides a rigorous treatment of trigonometry and its applications, focusing on preparing students for the calculus sequence for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors. Topics include right triangle trigonometry, unit circle trigonometry, graphs of trigonometric functions, proofs of trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equations, applications of trigonometric functions (laws of sines and cosines), inverse trigonometric functions, the polar coordinate system, and an introduction to vectors. Emphasis is given to analytical reasoning and problem-solving. Students may take this course concurrently with MATH 372 (College-Algebra for Calculus). Completing both MATH 372 AND MATH 373 with grades of "C" or better meets the prerequisite for MATH 400 (Calculus I).
MATH 375 Pre-Calculus
- Units:6
- Hours:108 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:Intermediate Algebra or the high school equivalent (such as Math 3 or Integrated Math 3) or higher with a C or better, or eligibility for transfer-level mathematics.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course provides a rigorous treatment of the foundational mathematical concepts and skills that will prepare students for the calculus sequence for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors. Topics include polynomial, absolute value, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions, with graphing and applications; trigonometric functions and their inverses, including graphs, proving identities, trigonometric equations, and solving triangles; systems of equations and inequalities; analytic geometry and conics; vectors and polar coordinates; and an introduction to sequences and series. It emphasizes analytical reasoning and problem-solving. The maximum UC transfer credit is 5 units for any combination of College Algebra and Precalculus courses. A calculator may be required for this course.
MATH 384 Foundations for Calculus
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Corequisite:MATHS 84
- Transferable:CSU (effective Summer 2025)
- General Education:Local GE L2
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is designed for STEM majors who must strengthen their foundational Algebra and Trigonometry skills before entering Calculus I (MATH 400). Topics include solving absolute value, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric equations. In addition, inequalities involving absolute value, polynomial, and rational expressions are explored. Students will also learn to evaluate and graph functions (including piecewise, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and trigonometric functions), and apply the Laws of Logarithms. Topics from Trigonometry include the six trigonometric functions, their inverses, and their applications, primarily from a right triangle perspective, with an introduction to the unit circle.
While this course provides a solid foundation for the student to enter MATH 400, additional topics from Algebra and Trigonometry, taught in the corequisite course to MATH 400, will be required to succeed through Calculus I.
MATH 400 Calculus I
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 370 (Precalculus Mathematics) with grade of "C" or better, OR MATH 372 (College Algebra for Calculus) AND MATH 373 (Trigonometry for Calculus) with grades of "C" or better, OR by eligibility determined through the placement process.
- Transferable:CSU; UC (1) MATH 341, 350, 355 and 400 combined: maximum transfer credit of one course; 2) MATH 350, 351, 355, 356, 400, 401, & 402 combined: maximum transfer credit of one series. )
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- C-ID:C-ID MATH 210
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course explores the basic concepts of analytic geometry, limits (including indeterminate forms), continuity, derivatives, and integrals. Topics covered will include the graphs, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic functions, and piecewise functions. Many applications will be covered, including those involving rectilinear motion, differentials, related rates, graphing, and optimization.
MATH 401 Calculus II
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 400 (Calculus I) with a grade of "C" or better or by eligibility determined through the placement process.
- Transferable:CSU; UC (1) MATH 351, MATH 356 and MATH 401 combined: maximum credit, 1 course; 2) MATH 350, 351, 355, 356, 400, 401, & 402 combined: maximum transfer credit of one series. )
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- C-ID:C-ID MATH 220
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a continuation of MATH 400. Topics covered include techniques of integration, numerical integration, improper integrals, infinite series, parametric equations, polar coordinates. Many applications will be covered including those involving areas between plane regions, volumes of revolution, work, fluid force, moments, mass, and center of mass, average value, arc length and surface area of functions, parametric equations, and polar coordinates.
MATH 402 Calculus III
- Units:5
- Hours:90 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 401 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC (MATH 350, 351, 400, 401 and 402 combined: maximum transfer credit of one series)
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- C-ID:C-ID MATH 230
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course extends the concepts of limits, derivatives and integrals to vector-valued functions and functions of more than one variable. Topics covered will include three-dimensional analytic geometry and vectors, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, line integrals, surface integrals, and the theorems of Green, Gauss (Divergence), and Stokes. Many applications of the calculus will be included.
MATH 410 Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 401 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:MATH 402
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 2
- C-ID:C-ID MATH 250
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course introduces the theory and applications of linear algebra. Topics include matrices, determinants, systems of equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvectors, and applications. This course is intended for majors in mathematics, engineering, science, and related fields.
MATH 420 Differential Equations
- Units:4
- Hours:72 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 401 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:MATH 402 (may be taken concurrently)
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- C-ID:C-ID MATH 240
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course will cover the theory and the applications of the solutions of ordinary differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations. The course will introduce students to various topics useful in the solution of differential equations including power series, Laplace transforms, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and numerical methods.
MATH 483 Honors Seminar in Mathematics - Introduction to Mathematical Proof
- Same As:HONOR 391
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 370 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC (May be taken twice for credit. )
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
Honors Seminars in Mathematics are special one-unit intensive courses for academically accomplished students or those with the potential for high academic achievement. This particular course will study various methods of mathematical proof in a seminar setting, and will be particularly useful to students planning to study calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. Topics include: deductive reasoning, proof by axioms, proofs of conditional and biconditional statements, proofs by contrapositive and contradiction, and proof by mathematical induction. Studies will include homework, discussions, oral presentations and lectures. Students will be expected to do independent problem solving and present their solutions to the class. Enrollment is limited to Honors Program students (see catalog). This course is the same as MATH 483. This course, under either name, may be taken one time for credit. This course will be offered in spring semester only.
MATH 484 Honors Seminar in Mathematics - Topics in Number Theory
- Same As:HONOR 392
- Units:1
- Hours:18 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:MATH 370 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
Honors Seminars in Mathematics are special one-unit intensive courses for academically accomplished students or those with the potential for high academic achievement. This particular course will study various topics in the field of number theory in a seminar setting. Topics include: the integers and their properties; finding integer solutions to Diophantine equations (equations with more variables than equations); and cryptography (the study of how secret codes are created and broken). Studies will include homework, discussions, oral presentations and lectures. Students will be expected to do independent problem solving and present their solutions to the class. Enrollment is limited to Honors Program students (see catalog). This course is the same as HONOR 392. This course, under either name, may be taken one time for credit. This course will be offered in spring semester only.
MATH 495 Independent Studies in Mathematics
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
An independent studies project involves an individual student or small group of students in study, research, or activities beyond the scope of regularly offered courses. See the current catalog section of "Special Studies" for full details of Independent Studies.
MATH 499 Experimental Offering in Mathematics
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.