Career Education
What is Career Education (CE)?
Career Education (formerly known as Career Technical Education, or CTE) is a term for educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied arts and sciences, and modern technologies. Career Education programs are designed to improve job skills and marketability.
Our Career Education faculty have industry experience and connections with regional employers, so they are able to design curriculum specifically to what employers are expecting. Our programs also provide students with internships, work-based learning, and industry certification opportunities.
Benefits of CE Programs
- Industry-trained faculty and support staff
- Flexible classes to balance work-school-home schedule
- State-of-the-art facilities
- Save thousands of dollars in tuition compared to other schools that can cost over 30 times more
- Curriculum designed to improve job skills and marketability
Request Services
The Career Education team is available to assist with:
- questions
- program exploration
- college applications
- educational planning
Explore Career Education Programs
Career Education Events
CE Facts
27% of people with less than an associate degree, including licenses and certificates, earn more than the average bachelor degree recipient.
— U.S. Department of Education
A person with a Career Education-related associate degree or credential will earn on average between $4,000 and $19,000 more a year than a person with a humanities associate degree.
— Jacobson and Mokher