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Community college enrollment fees are set by the California State Legislature. All fees are subject to change.

Fees for 2025-2026

Mandatory Fees

Fee Name Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Summer 2026 Refundable
Resident tuition and enrollment $46 per unit $46 per unit $46 per unit Yes
Non-resident tuition and enrollment $466 per unit $466 per unit $466 per unit Yes
Foreign student application fee1 $50 $50 $50 No
Student representation fee $2 $2 N/A Yes
Health services fee $20 $20 N/A Yes
Universal transit pass (UTP) fee
$3 per unit2
$3 per unit2
$133 Yes
  • 1 A non-refundable application processing fee shall be charged to nonresident applicants who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country in accordance with provisions established by state regulations.
  • 2 Eligible students must be taking one (1) or more units to be charged the UTP fee. Students taking more than 12 units will only be charged for 12 units ($36). Fractions of units are rounded up to the nearest whole unit.
  • 3 All eligible students pay a flat rate during the summer.

Parking Fees

Fee Name Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Summer 2026 Refundable
Semester parking permit (automobiles)
Semester parking permit (carpools with 3 or more passengers)
$36 $36
Semester parking permit (motorcycles)
$26 $26
Daily parking permit
$2 $2
  • 4 Students who receive the California College Promise Grant are eligible to buy a semester parking permit for $30.

Fee Descriptions

Tuition and Enrollment Fee

Refundable: Yes. Learn more about refunds.

Tuition and enrollment fees are charged per unit of enrollment. These fees are set by the State of California and are subject to change at any time. Students who have registered for classes prior to an increase may be required to pay the additional amount.

Foreign Student Application Fee

Refundable: No.

The foreign student application fee applies to all international students. Some international students may be exempt from paying this fee if they demonstrate economic hardship. Read Regulation R-2251 Nonresident and International Student Fees to learn more.

Student Representation Fee

Refundable: Yes.

The student representation fee supports student government in its effort to advocate and lobby for legislative issues that affect students.

$1 of every $2 fee supports the operations of a statewide community college student organization that is recognized by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (Assembly Bill 1504). This statewide organization provides for student representation and participation in state-level community college shared governance as well as governmental affairs representatives to advocate before the legislature and other state and local governmental entities.

Students can refuse to pay this fee based on moral, religious, political, or financial grounds. To be exempted from paying the fee, submit the Student Representation Fee Exemption Form, preferably before you pay your fees.

This fee was established under provision of California Education Code section 76060.5 and California Code of Regulations, Title V, sections 54801-54805.

Health Services Fee

Refundable: Yes.

In a remote environment, the health services fee provides access to virtual health and mental health services as well as virtual mental health counseling by local mental health counselors. College nurses are available by appointment for phone or email advice and referrals to community resources as needed. College nurses will offer remote health and wellness educational offerings throughout the semester along with virtual health fairs.

The following students may be exempted from the health services fee if they submit the Health Services Fee Exemption Form before the last day of the semester:

  • Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization
  • Students who receive California College Promise Grant (formerly BOG Fee Waiver) Part A

The following students are not charged the health services fee:

  • Students enrolled in the Sacramento Regional Public Safety Training Center (SRPSTC)
  • Students enrolled in apprenticeship programs
  • Students only enrolled in UC Davis Co-Op program courses
  • Incarcerated students inside correctional facilities
  • Students admitted as special part-time students (K-12 students)

Universal Transit Pass (UTP) Fee

Refundable: Yes. Learn about refunds.

The Universal Transit Pass (UTP) is available to certain students for use on Regional Transit (RT) services, including buses and light rail. All eligible students are charged the UTP fee, regardless of whether or not they use the pass.

The UTP is available electronically via SacRT's mobile fare app, ZipPass. Learn how to download and use ZipPass.

Visit the Sacramento Regional Transit website for a list of all transit and bus systems that accept the UTP. UC Davis Unitrans does not accept the UTP.


Students taking one or more units during the spring or fall semester are eligible for the UTP. All students are eligible for the UTP in the summer semester, regardless of how many units they take.

Some students are not eligible for the UTP and therefore are not charged the fee. These students include:

  • Students enrolled in the Regional Public Safety Training Center (RPSTC)
  • Students enrolled in apprenticeship programs
  • Students taking classes on the UC Davis main campus
  • Students studying abroad
  • High school students attending a Los Rios college through dual enrollment or concurrent enrollment
  • Incarcerated students inside correctional facilities
  • Students whose home college is not a Los Rios college but who are enrolled in courses at a Los Rios college through the California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative Course Exchange

Fee Structure

Fall 2025 and Spring 2026

Eligible students will pay $3 per unit during the fall and spring semesters. Any fraction of a unit is rounded up to the next whole unit. The minimum fee is $3.00 (for one unit) and the maximum fee is $36 (for 12 or more units). For example:

  • A student enrolled in .5 units will not pay the UTP fee.
  • A student enrolled in one unit will pay $3.
  • A student enrolled in 1.5 units will pay $6.
  • A student enrolled in 12 or more units will pay the maximum fee of $36.
Summer 2026

During the summer semester, all eligible students pay $13 for the UTP.

Valid Dates

  • For the fall semester, the UTP is valid from August 1 through December 31.
  • For the spring semester, the UTP is valid from January 1 through May 31.
  • For the summer semester, the UTP is valid from June 1 through the last day of the semester (for summer 2026, that is August 5).

Semester Parking Permit Fee

Refundable: Yes. Learn about refunds.

The semester parking permit is a decal that is placed on the windshield or hung from the rear-view mirror. Students can buy a semester parking permit online via eServices (select Financial Account, then select Purchase Parking Permit) or in person*.

Read Administrative Regulation R-2252: Student Parking Fees to learn more.

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Parking Permit

If a semester parking permit is lost or stolen, then you will have to pay full price for a new one. If a vehicle is sold or damaged, then a replacement can be issued for $2. You will need to provide the old decal and proof of sale or repair for the $2 replacement.

* Parking permits can be purchased at the Business Services Office on each campus.

Daily Parking Permit Fee

Refundable: No.

Students can buy daily parking permits from machines located in the parking lots at each campus. Daily parking permits are not recommended for motorcycles because they can be easily stolen. Read Los Rios' Administrative Regulation R-2252: Student Parking Fees to learn more.

Instructional Material Fees

Instructional material fees for designated courses may be assessed in accordance with Title 5, Section 59400 and Los Rios Policy P-2253.