- Introduction Toggle Introduction Menu
- Getting Started Toggle Getting Started Menu
While You Are Here
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- Financial Aid Toggle Financial Aid Menu
- College and Academic Regulations Toggle College and Academic Regulations Menu
- Enrollment Verification
- Credit for Prior Learning and Alternative Study Options Toggle Credit for Prior Learning and Alternative Study Options Menu
- College Safety and Security Toggle College Safety and Security Menu
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Toggle Student Rights and Responsibilities Menu
- Academic Rights and Responsibilities
- Access to Student Records (FERPA)
- Alcohol, Drug, and Smoking Policy
- Computer and Internet Use Policy
- Copyright and Piracy Policy
- Disciplinary Procedures and Due Process
- Honor Code
- Photo and Video Policy
- Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
- Right-to-Know Program Completion
- Service Animals on Campus
- Social Media Policy
- Standards of Conduct
- Student Grievance and Class-Related Concerns
- Equal Opportunity, Equity, Discrimination, and Harassment Toggle Equal Opportunity, Equity, Discrimination, and Harassment Menu
- Graduation and Transfer Toggle Graduation and Transfer Menu
Programs of Study
Toggle Programs of Study Menu
- List of Degrees and Certificates
- Description of Courses Toggle Description of Courses Menu
- Course Prefixes
- Cross-Listed Courses
- Career and Academic Communities
List of Programs
Toggle List of Programs Menu
- Accounting
- Advertising/Public Relations
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Business
- Allied Health
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Architecture
- Architecture Design Technology
- Art
- Automotive Mechanics Technology
- Biology
- Broadcast Journalism
- Building Inspection Technology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Community Services Education
- Computer Information Science
- Construction
- Construction Management Technology
- Culinary Arts Management
- Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Digital Media
- Early Childhood Education
- Economics
- Education/Teaching
- Emergency Medical Technology
- Engineering
- English
- English Course Sequence
- English as a Second Language
- ESL Course Sequence
- Ethnic Studies
- Family and Consumer Science
- Film and Media Studies
- Film/Digital Cinema Production
- Fire Technology
- General Education
- General Science
- Geography
- Geology
- Health Education
- Health Information Technology
- History
- Hmong
- Honors
- Horticulture
- Human/Career Development
- Human Services
- Humanities
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Liberal Arts
- Library
- Management
- Marketing
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Math and Stats Course Sequence
- Medical Assisting
- Modern Making
- Music
- Nutrition
- Pharmacy Technology
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physics
- Plant Science
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Radio Production
- Radio, Television and Film Production
- Real Estate
- Recreation
- Science
- Social Justice Studies
- Social Science
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Student Government
- Surgical Technology
- Veterinary Technology
- Welding
- Vietnamese
- Television Production
- Theatre and Dance Arts
- Work Experience
- Administrators, Faculty, and Staff Toggle Administrators, Faculty, and Staff Menu
- Index
- Catalog Archives
Credit for Prior Learning and Alternative Study Options
In addition to regular classes, students may receive college credit for prior learning and alternative study options.
Credit for Prior Learning
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
Cosumnes River College grants credit for College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations. A student who meets the following requirements may receive credit for exams they successfully passed:
- Official copies of test scores are on file with Admissions and Records
- Student is in good standing, which is defined as having completed twelve (12) units of credit and having a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA)
Students should be aware that other colleges and universities have the right to accept, modify, or reject the use of AP scores towards their graduation requirements. Check with your counselor to determine whether these test results will be accepted at the transfer institution of your choice.
Review the AP Credit Chart to see how Cosumnes River College grants credit for AP exams.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Cosumnes River College grants credit for College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations. CLEP scores fulfill general education areas only; they do not fulfill graduation competencies, requirements for any major at Cosumnes River College, or enrollment limitations (such as prerequisite requirements) for any course at Cosumnes River College.
A student may receive credit for CLEP exams they have successfully passed once the following requirements are met:
- Official copies of test scores are on file with Admissions and Records
- Student has completed twelve (12) units of credit and has a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA)
Visit College Board's College-Level Examination Program website to learn more.
CLEP scores are not accepted for transfer to the University of California. Students should be aware that other colleges and universities have the right to accept, modify, or reject the use of CLEP scores towards their graduation requirements. Check with your counselor to determine whether these test results will be accepted at the transfer institution of your choice.
Review the CLEP Credit Chart to see how Cosumnes River College grants credit for CLEP exams.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Tests
Cosumnes River College may award college credit for international baccalaureate (IB) higher-level course completion, if the course work is compatible with the college's curriculum. No credit will be granted for lower-level course work completed in the IB program.
A student who meets the following requirements may receive credit for IB tests they successfully passed:
- Official copies of test scores are on file with Admissions and Records
- Student is in good standing, which is defined as having completed twelve (12) units of credit and having a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA)
Review the IB Credit Chart to see how Cosumnes River College grants credit for IB tests.
Students should be aware that other colleges and universities have the right to accept, modify, or reject the use of IB scores towards their graduation requirements. Check with your counselor to determine whether these test results will be accepted at the transfer institution of your choice.
Students who have earned credit from an IB test should not take a comparable college course because transfer credit will not be granted for both.
Credit by Examination
Credit by examination is a process by which students may earn credit in recognition of knowledge and skills gained from previous experience or training when such knowledge and skills are deemed to be substantially similar to the student learning outcomes of the course for which credit is being sought. A student may receive credit for some courses by passing an exam if they meet the following requirements:
- Be currently enrolled and in good standing at Cosumnes River College
- Have an education plan on file
- Request a course that is listed in the current college catalog
- Never have received credit for the particular course
Under special circumstances, these requirements may be waived by petition to the Dean of Student Services and Enrollment Management.
A maximum of 15 credit units of catalog courses may be earned through credit by examination. Credit by examination may not apply to all courses. Eligibility for credit by examination is not permissible under the following situations:
- The student has completed or enrolled in a more advanced course, which follows this course in sequence
- The course (or its equivalent) appears on the student's transcript with a grade other than a W
- The exam would duplicate coursework for which credit was granted previously
- The student does not meet the pre-requisite or co-requisite for the course
Under special circumstances, these restrictions may be waived by petition to the Vice President of Student Services.
Please note that some four-year colleges and universities do not accept units granted through credit by examination. Students are advised to meet with a counselor for more information.
Please follow these steps to participate:
- Find a professor who is willing to administer the exam. The examining instructor determines the scope and form of the exam.
- Complete the appropriate paperwork at the Admissions and Records Office. Staff will verify your eligibility.
- Have the examining professor sign the petition and schedule the examination.
- Have the appropriate area dean sign the petition.
- Return the completed petition to the Admissions and Records Office for enrollment in a test section and provide payment of appropriate enrollment fees.
- Take the exam as scheduled. (The examining professor will submit a grade of "Pass" or "No Pass" to the Admissions and Records Office. See "Pass/No Pass" Grading for further information.)
Please note that all Cosumnes River College policies are in effect with respect to credit by examination, except as indicated here.
Credit for Military Education and Training
Military personnel and veterans may receive course credit for prior military education and training.
See Credit for Military Experience for more information.
Alternative Study Options
Distance/Online Education
Cosumnes River College offers instruction via the internet. This includes online course sections where all work is carried out online, and partially online course sections where instruction is divided between online and in-person modalities.
To be successful in online courses, students need to be self-directed, motivated, and able to independently complete and electronically submit assignments on schedule. Students will also need reliable access to a computer and basic internet skills.
Online Classes
In online classes, classes meet online and all coursework is done online. Class schedules will indicate whether an online class is asynchronous (meaning there are no scheduled meeting times) or synchronous (meaning there are regularly scheduled meetings through teleconference).
Partially Online or "Hybrid" Classes
Partially online classes feature a mix of online and in-person meetings and coursework. Class schedules will indicate the day/time of the in-person, on-campus class sessions.
Online Learning Platform
All online classes are offered through Canvas, a cloud-based learning management system used by faculty and students within Los Rios Community College District.
Learn more about online education at Cosumnes River College.
Experimental Offerings
An experimental offering is a course that is offered on a trial basis. Students enroll in experimental offerings through the regular registration process. Transfer institutions may not accept units earned in experimental offerings.
Honors Program
The Cosumnes River College Honors program is an enhanced transfer opportunity program designed specifically for academically-accomplished students and students seeking a challenge with the ability and desire for high achievement. Through its series of special Honors courses and co-curricular activities, the program provides opportunities for intellectual growth beyond those generally found in most lower division programs.
These one to three unit courses are intended to augment and enhance a student's knowledge and educational experience. In the broad plan of the program, some of these courses are linked to a particular course and are intended to provide in-depth, rigorous treatment of certain related topics. These classes may require concurrent or previous enrollment in another course. Prospective Honors Program students should possess the ability to think and work independently, write clearly and purposefully, and cooperate in the spirit of discovery and understanding.
Honors courses are special intensive courses in which students will confront and attempt to resolve difficult questions that arise in a careful study of the issues found in the discipline(s). Honors students are expected to research aspects of these questions and present their findings to the class in written form for seminar discussion. Field trips to attend events or to conduct research may be an integral part of the Honors course experience. Students who successfully complete units from Honors courses may be able to count these units as part of the Transfer Breadth Requirements. Students who complete 15 units or more in honors-designated courses will earn special recognition as an Honors Scholar, a distinction that may entitle the student to guaranteed transfer and scholarship opportunities at select transfer colleges and universities, including UCLA, in whose Transfer Alliance Program the Cosumnes River College Honors Program is a participating member.
For eligibility and application information, please visit CRC Honors.
Independent Study
An independent study course involves an individual student or small group of students in study, research, or activities beyond the scope of regularly offered courses, pursuant to an agreement among the college, faculty member, and student(s). Independent studies require regular meetings between the student and instructor. Additionally, the instructor may require examinations or other measures of evaluation, field trips, term papers, and other assignments.
Please note that some four-year colleges and universities do not accept units granted through independent study. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor for more information.
For the appropriate petition and course proposal form, please contact Admissions and Records.
Credit for Military Service
Veterans may receive college credit for military service.
See Credit for Military Experience for more information.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Aerospace Studies
Air Force ROTC is available to Cosumnes River College students through a program offered at CSU Sacramento. There is no obligation to join the military to take the courses. Students may take courses to explore an interest in a military career. Two-, three-, and four-year programs are available, leading to a commission in the United States Air Force. Scholarships are available to qualified students. Classes are conducted at CSU Sacramento. Topics include military history, management, leadership, problem solving, ethics, public speaking, world politics, international relations, and current events.
To apply for the program or for more information, contact the Unit Admissions Officer at (916) 278-7315. It is recommended that applications be submitted no later than the first semester of the sophomore year.
Military Science
Army ROTC is available to Cosumnes River College students at CSU Sacramento. The Military Science Department offers hands-on training in management and leadership. There is no obligation to join the military by taking the course. The program stresses the following leadership dimensions: oral and written communications, oral presentations (formal briefings), initiative, sensitivity, influence, planning and organizing, delegation, administrative control, problem analysis, judgment, decisiveness, physical stamina, and mission accomplishment. Also stressed are current events, national and international politics, military affairs, ethics training and human relations with emphasis on eliminating racial and gender discrimination. Management and leadership are taught using the US Army as a model. Two- and three-year scholarships are available, covering up to $9,000 per year for tuition, $225 per semester for books and supplies, $200 per semester for lab fees, and $150 a month tax free stipend during the academic year.
To apply for the program or for more information, contact the Unit Admissions Officer at (916) 278-7682. It is recommended that applications be submitted no later than the first semester of the sophomore year.
Study Abroad
Study abroad can be an enlightening, maturing, and life-changing experience. Students are challenged to re-examine themselves, their attitudes, and their studies as they learn to understand new and different cultures. In cooperation with the American Institute for Foreign Study, Los Rios Community College District offers unique study opportunities in cities such as:
- London, England
- Barcelona, Spain
- Florence, Italy
To study abroad, students must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be in good academic standing with 12 college units completed by the time you go abroad
- Have a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.25
During the 13-week Study Abroad program, all students take 12 units – a three-unit Life and Culture class, an additional Los Rios class, and two other classes from the list of offerings.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is available for study abroad.
Upcoming Study Abroad Opportunities
Learn more about current and upcoming study abroad opportunities.
Work Experience and Internship Program
Work experience is an academic program in which students apply what they have learned in the classroom to a job or internship and work to earn college credits. There are two types of programs: vocational and general.
For more information, please visit the Work Experience and Internship Program.