Students should understand that Cosumnes River College (CRC) values academic integrity. Academic integrity requires:
Honesty, which means:
- A commitment to truthfulness
- The refusal to steal or mislead, cheat or plagiarize
Fairness, which means:
- The willingness to treat others as I would wish to be treated upon careful consideration
Respect, which means valuing, in attitude and practice:
- All human beings
- Myself
- My community at CRC and beyond
Responsibility, which means:
- Recognizing that the quality of a CRC education and the quality of the CRC student experience depend upon my behavior
- Accepting, at all times, the consequences of my actions
A student should understand that as a member of the Cosumnes River College community, they are responsible for upholding this value, supporting academic quality, academic rigor, and an appropriate college atmosphere.
This code is modeled after that of Santa Monica Community College, Santa Monica, CA
Approved by the Cosumnes River College Academic Senate on 10-26-07