Care, Support and Conduct Resources
CRC is here to offer support for you and your fellow students or colleagues. Depending on what the issue is, a CRC staff member can help guide you toward resolving issues in the classroom with faculty, grades, or fellow students, help you understand the conduct process, and can help you consider your options and report discrimination, accessibility, and Title IX (sexual harassment or sexual violence) concerns.
These staff members are a part of a team designed to provide specific support:
- CRC Conduct Officer: Gladis Sanchez Pantoja
- CRC Grievance Officer: Joann Ramirez
- CRC Equity Officer: Brianna Ellis
- CRC Title IX Officer: Tadael Emiru
I have a concern regarding:
Email your professor to request a time to meet to speak with the professor directly about the issue. The professor may not be aware that you have a concern and oftentimes the student and professor are able to resolve the issue. Make sure to prepare and take any documents, screenshots, etc. you may want to show to your professor with you to the meeting.
If you have already spoken to your professor–or you don’t feel like you can speak to them about this issue–the next step is to complete the Concern, Complaint, or Grievance Form that is sent directly to the area Dean. You may also choose to contact the Campus Grievance Officer Office to receive guidance.
Email your professor to request a time to meet to speak with them directly about the issue. The professor may not be aware that you have a concern and oftentimes the student and professor are able to resolve the issue. Make sure to prepare and take any documents, screenshots, etc. you may want to show to your professor with you to the meeting.
If you have already spoken to your professor–or you don’t feel like you can speak to them about this issue–the next step is to complete the Concern, Complaint, or Grievance Form that is sent directly to the area Dean. You may also choose to contact the Campus Grievance Officer Office to receive guidance.
For information about the Grievance process see Student Grievances and Class-Related Concerns.
Concern, Complaint, or Grievance Form
Note: you can complete this form for your information to be routed to the area dean or you can find their information in the Employee Directory.
First, we recommend speaking with the staff member or campus office directly about the issue:
If you have already spoken to the staff member/office or you don’t feel like you can speak to them about this issue, please complete the Concern, Complaint, or Grievance form:
Members of the campus community can participate in making the campus a safe place to learn, work and study by identifying and reporting any campus incidents of bias, hate crimes, and discrimination.
Who Should Report
If you believe you have witnessed, or that you have been a target of discrimination, or a hate- or bias-motivated incident, on campus you can initiate a report through the form below.
Why Report
Reporting allows us to best assist those in need, track patterns of bias, and create educational interventions to help improve our campus community. We know that in order to bring about change, we must expand our awareness around the issues our students are facing on campus.
What to Report
Hate- or bias-motivated incident: An act that is not a violation of criminal law, but that is motivated by bigotry or hate based on the victim's actual or perceived race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. These incidents could include violations of District Policy or CRC Student Standards of Conduct.
How to Report
Email the Equity Officer with as much detail about the incident as you can remember, any information you have about the person/people involved, what your hope for resolution would be, and contact information if you would like a response (you can request to remain anonymous):
CRC Equity Officer
Brianna Ellis
Phone: (916) 691-7233
You can also use the Concern, Complaint, or Grievance form:
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects speech and expressive conduct from censorship by the government based upon its content. There are very limited exceptions to this protection. Cosumnes River College is a public institution and may not censor speech based on its content no matter how much it may go against the spirit of our Hawk community.
Most social media platforms provide a way to report content you think violates their use agreements. If you think a post is a violation, please report them directly through the social media platform.
If you see a direct threat of violence or harm to the campus community, please make a report to the Los Rios Police Department at (916) 558-2221.
It is a priority of Cosumnes River College to prevent and respond to all forms of harassment, including bullying, psychological harassment, racial harassment, religious harassment, stalking, mobbing, hazing, and backlash.
The Types of Harassment page offers an overview of the different types of harassment and how you can report this behavior.
The Equity and Diversity page offers information on unlawful discrimination.
Report a Gender-based Policy Violation
Use the Concern, Complaint, or Grievance form for all other cases, or contact the CRC Equity Officer.
Concern, Complaint, or Grievance
CRC Equity Officer
Brianna Ellis
Phone: (916) 691-7233
We will promptly respond to reports of domestic violence, sexual assault, or sexual harassment. It’s important to know that all campus employees are mandated to report any incidents of sexual assault that we learn about. If you wish to remain anonymous, the WEAVE Confidential Advocate is available to confidentially support you and provide information.
The Confidential Advocate is not an employee of Cosumnes River College. The confidential advocate is provided through WEAVE, Sacramento County's primary provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
For more information, see Sexual Violence and Title IX Protections.
Find information on how to File a Report of Sexual Assault.
Report a Sexual and/or Gender-based Policy Violation
(916) 568-3011
Cosumnes River College is committed to creating an accessible community–that is, one that provides websites, course materials, documents, and applications that are accessible to all current and future students, faculty, staff, and other constituents. Please visit Technology Accessibility for information on reporting issues as well as a list of helpful applications and plug-ins.
Report a Web-Based Accessibility Issue
See the “Disability Resources” section below for more information.
Everyone should be able to take advantage of the programs and services provided by Cosumnes River College. The Disability Resources for Students page of the website has more information about support services, service animals, ADA compliance and reporting, and contacting the Equity Officer.
Disability Resources for Students
Learn more about Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) at CRC.
Use the Concern, Complaint, or Grievance form to file a complaint or contact the CRC Equity Officer:
Concern, Complaint, or Grievance
CRC Equity Officer
Brianna Ellis
Phone: (916) 691-7233
Students who have been referred to the CRC Conduct Officer have a right to due process through the disciplinary process. The process is outlined on Disciplinary Procedures and Due Process and in Los Rios Regulation R-2442.
We understand that the disciplinary process can be stressful. The CRC Mental Health and Wellness Advocates can support students' well-being as they navigate this process.
For additional information on student conduct, please contact the CRC Conduct Officer or submit a conduct referral form:
CRC Conduct Officer
Gladis Sanchez Pantoja
(916) 691-7589
Before you begin: If this is an emergency that involves an imminent risk of harm to self or others, please contact LRPD at (916) 558-2221 or call 911 prior to filling out this referral form.
Learn more about the Behavioral Intervention Response Team (BIRT).
Early Alert is a program designed to identify students in need of support and inform them of resources available to aid their college success. Counseling, tutoring, and workshops are among the services available to improve chances of success in the classroom. If you are a staff or faculty member who would like to refer a student, complete the Early Alert form.
Note: The Early Alert form must be accessed from an on-campus computer or when logged in remotely through Global Protect.
Policies and Regulations
- Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity – Policy 2113: Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity / Regulation 2113: Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity
- Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures – Policy 2423: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures / Regulation 2423: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
- Interim Title IX Guidelines – Regulation 2423.5: Interim Title IX Guidelines
- Sexual Harassment – Policy 2424: Sexual Harassment
- Due Process – Policy 2442: Due Process / Regulation 2442: Due Process
- Standards of Conduct – Policy 2441: Standards of Conduct / Regulation 2441: Standards of Conduct
- Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence and Stalking – Policy 2541: Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence and Stalking
- Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity – Policy 5111: Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity
- Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures – Policy 5172: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures / Regulation 5172: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
- Sexual Harassment – Policy 5173: Sexual Harassment
- Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity – Policy 6111: Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity
- Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures – Policy 6163: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures / Regulation 6163: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
- Sexual Harassment – Policy 6161: Sexual Harassment
- Just Causes for Discipline – Policy 6912: Just Causes for Discipline
- Counseling Memo/Letter of Reprimand – Policy 6913: Counseling Memo/Letter of Reprimand / Regulation 6913: Counseling Memo/Letter of Reprimand
- Severe Disciplinary Action – Policy 6914: Severe Disciplinary Action / Regulation 6914: Severe Disciplinary Action
- Appeal Process – Policy 6915: Appeal Process
- Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity – Policy 9111: Intent and Accountability for Equal Opportunity
- Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures – Policy 9152: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures / Regulation 9152: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures
- Sexual Harassment – Policy 9153: Sexual Harassment
- Discipline/Dismissal/Nonrenewal – Policy 9413: Discipline/Dismissal/Nonrenewal / Regulation 9413: Discipline/Dismissal/Nonrenewal