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Home Student Resources Dream Center

Dream Center

CRC Dream Center logo

The mission of the CRC Dream Center is to assist undocumented students and students from mixed-status families achieve their academic goal. The Dream Center provides services, resources, and support to address the unique barriers students face in their pursuit of higher education.

The Dream Center is currently open and offering services both in-person and virtually. Due to limited staffing, an appointment with a staff member is recommended.

Make an Appointment
with Dream Center Staff

Join Our Email List

Subscribe to the Dream Center email list to receive announcements and updates on legislation, campus events, Dream Center events and more.

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Dream Center Services

Common Terminology Related to Undocumented Students

Definitions of commonly-used terms.

Commonly-Used Terminology

A group of Latinx students looking at a computer screen together

Undocumented Student Admission and Enrollment Steps

Cosumnes River College welcomes undocumented students who live in the US regardless of DACA status.

Undocumented Student Admission

California Dream Act logo showing the state outline with a graduation cap

California Dream Act and AB 540

The California Dream Act allows students who meet the requirements of Assembly Bill 540 to apply for financial aid from the state. AB 540 allows certain students to pay reduced tuition fees.

AB 540 / CA Dream Act

A computer graphic showing a login screen

Student ID Help Form

Submit this form if you are having trouble finding your Los Rios ID.

Student ID Help

Upcoming Events


(916) 691-7447

Alejandro Torres-Martinez
Dream Center Specialist

Nico Hernandez
Student Support Assistant

Spring Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Closed for holidays:
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday
February 14: Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
February 17: George Washington's Birthday


College Center, CC-162