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Home Why CRC? Graduation and Transfer Graduating from CRC Petition for Degree or Certificate

CRC does not automatically confer degrees or certificates because eligibility requirements vary. You are encouraged to meet with a counselor during your studies at CRC to ensure you are taking courses that will meet degree and certificate requirements.

Petition Deadlines

  • Fall 2024: Friday, October 4, 2024
  • Spring 2025: Friday, March 7, 2025
  • Summer 2025: Friday, July 4, 2025

Approval or Denial

Final evaluations begin after final grades are posted at the end of each respective term/semester.

You will be notified via email if your petition is approved or denied.

If denied, then you will be notified of the missing requirements and advised to submit a new petition. If approved, then your degree will be posted to your transcript within three to four months after the end of the semester.

All diplomas will be mailed to the student's address on file. If you need an accommodation to pick up your diploma in person, then please contact the Admissions and Records office.

Petition Semester Petition Deadline Approval/Denial Date Mailed or Ready for Pick-Up
Summer First Friday in July October-November December
Fall First Friday in October April May
Spring First Friday in March September October

Need to update your address? Complete the Change of Data form and submit to the Admissions and Records Office.

The Process

  1. Optional: Meet with a counselor. Lacking even a single requirement can cause the evaluation to stop and result in a denial letter. That letter may direct you to Counseling. Counseling appointments fill quickly. Drop-in appointments are available daily but are not guaranteed. 
  2. Complete the Petition for a Degree or Certificate Form. Incomplete petitions will result in a denial letter.
  3. Be patient. You should allow for a minimum of five months from the end of the semester before you receive your diploma or certificate. Evaluators will notify students if there are any problems. If you change your mailing address with the college during this time, you must also notify the Evaluations staff in the Admissions & Records Office at (916) 691-7411.

Checking Degree Progress

Students should regularly request a computer-based report showing the progress you are making toward meeting degree/certificate and/or transfer requirements of your major. This is referred to as a Degree Audit or Academic Requirements Report. The report is not an official college document, but it will help you understand the courses required for your major and to help plan course selection for each term.

It is your responsibility to:

  1. Meet with a counselor regularly
  2. Review the report and confirm its accuracy
  3. Complete in-progress courses
  4. Register for the proper sequence of courses to satisfy your program requirements

For questions about your Degree Audit/Academic Requirements Report,

Frequently Asked Questions

Graduation Workshops and Events