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Home Catalog Graduation and Transfer Preparing to Transfer Course Transferability and C-ID


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Course Transferability and C-ID

Transfer Credit

Courses accepted for transfer by the University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) systems are identified as such in the course details next to "Transferable." Students who have questions regarding transferability of credit for specific courses to specific institutions should consult a counselor.

Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

C-ID is a statewide system that identifies comparable courses across California community colleges, ensuring consistency in content, rigor, and student learning outcomes. A course with a C-ID number is equivalent to any other California community college course with the same designation and will be accepted at participating community colleges and CSU campuses. For example, C-ID COMM 110 at Cosumnes River College will be accepted at any other college offering a course with the same C-ID number.

To evaluate course transferability, students should consult a counselor and visit to see how Cosumnes River College courses apply to:

  • Major requirements at CSU and UC campuses
  • California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) requirements

For private or out-of-state colleges, consult a counselor. An up-to-date list of Cosumnes River College’s C-ID-approved courses is available on California’s Transfer and Articulation System website.

Common Course Numbering

Starting in Fall 2025, California community colleges are adopting a Common Course Numbering (CCN) system (AB 1111). This system assigns common course numbers for comparable courses across all community colleges in the state. The goal of CCN is to facilitate a smoother transfer of credits between colleges and four-year institutions.

CCN does not replace C-ID but works alongside it. While C-ID ensures statewide articulation agreements, CCN provides a more direct, standardized course mapping. C-ID designations will still be used and displayed to maintain alignment with transfer pathways.