- Introduction Toggle Introduction Menu
- Getting Started Toggle Getting Started Menu
While You Are Here
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- Financial Aid Toggle Financial Aid Menu
- College and Academic Regulations Toggle College and Academic Regulations Menu
- Enrollment Verification
- Credit for Prior Learning and Alternative Study Options Toggle Credit for Prior Learning and Alternative Study Options Menu
- College Safety and Security Toggle College Safety and Security Menu
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Toggle Student Rights and Responsibilities Menu
- Academic Rights and Responsibilities
- Access to Student Records (FERPA)
- Alcohol, Drug, and Smoking Policy
- Computer and Internet Use Policy
- Copyright and Piracy Policy
- Disciplinary Procedures and Due Process
- Honor Code
- Photo and Video Policy
- Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
- Right-to-Know Program Completion
- Service Animals on Campus
- Social Media Policy
- Standards of Conduct
- Student Grievance and Class-Related Concerns
- Equal Opportunity, Equity, Discrimination, and Harassment Toggle Equal Opportunity, Equity, Discrimination, and Harassment Menu
- Graduation and Transfer Toggle Graduation and Transfer Menu
Programs of Study
Toggle Programs of Study Menu
- List of Degrees and Certificates
- Description of Courses Toggle Description of Courses Menu
- Course Prefixes
- Cross-Listed Courses
- Career and Academic Communities
List of Programs
Toggle List of Programs Menu
- Accounting
- Advertising/Public Relations
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Business
- Allied Health
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Architecture
- Architecture Design Technology
- Art
- Automotive Mechanics Technology
- Biology
- Broadcast Journalism
- Building Inspection Technology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Community Services Education
- Computer Information Science
- Construction
- Construction Management Technology
- Culinary Arts Management
- Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Digital Media
- Early Childhood Education
- Economics
- Education/Teaching
- Emergency Medical Technology
- Engineering
- English
- English Course Sequence
- English as a Second Language
- ESL Course Sequence
- Ethnic Studies
- Family and Consumer Science
- Film and Media Studies
- Film/Digital Cinema Production
- Fire Technology
- General Education
- General Science
- Geography
- Geology
- Health Education
- Health Information Technology
- History
- Hmong
- Honors
- Horticulture
- Human/Career Development
- Human Services
- Humanities
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Liberal Arts
- Library
- Management
- Marketing
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Math and Stats Course Sequence
- Medical Assisting
- Modern Making
- Music
- Nutrition
- Pharmacy Technology
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physics
- Plant Science
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Radio Production
- Radio, Television and Film Production
- Real Estate
- Recreation
- Science
- Social Justice Studies
- Social Science
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Student Government
- Surgical Technology
- Veterinary Technology
- Welding
- Vietnamese
- Television Production
- Theatre and Dance Arts
- Work Experience
- Administrators, Faculty, and Staff Toggle Administrators, Faculty, and Staff Menu
- Index
- Catalog Archives
Course Prefixes
Prefix | Subject Name |
ACCT | Accounting |
ADAPT | Adapted Physical Education |
ADT | Architectural Design Technology |
AGB | Agriculture Business |
AH | Allied Health |
ANSC | Animal Science |
ANTH | Anthropology |
ARCH | Architecture |
ART | Art |
ARTH | Art History |
ARTNM | Art New Media |
ASTR | Astronomy |
AMT | Automotive Mechanics Technology |
Prefix | Subject Name |
BIOL | Biology |
BIT | Building Inspection Technology |
BUS | Business |
BUSTEC | Business Technology |
Prefix | Subject Name |
CAM | Culinary Arts Management |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CISA | Computer Information Sciences - Applications |
CISC | Computer Information Sciences - Core |
CISD | Computer Information Sciences - Data/td> |
CISN | Computer Information Sciences - Network |
CISP | Computer Information Sciences - Programming |
CISS | Computer Information Sciences - Security |
CISW | Computer Information Sciences - Web |
CMT | Construction Management Technology |
COMM | Communication Studies |
CONST | Construction |
CSERV | Community Services Education |
Prefix | Subject Name |
DANCE | Dance |
DEAF | Deaf Culture and American Sign Language Studies |
Prefix | Subject Name |
ECE | Early Childhood Education |
ECON | Economics |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technology |
ENGCW | English - Creative Writing |
ENGED | English - Education |
ENGLB | English - Laboratory |
ENGLT | English - Literature |
ENGR | Engineering |
ENGRD | English - Reading |
ENGWR | English - Writing |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESLG | English as a Second Language - Grammar |
ESLL | English as a Second Language - Listening |
ESLP | English as a Second Language - Pronunciation |
ESLR | English as a Second Language - Reading |
ESLW | English as a Second Language - Writing |
ETHNS | Ethnic Studies |
Prefix | Subject Name |
FCS | Family and Consumer Science |
FFS | Fire and Forestry Services |
FMS | Film and Media Studies |
FT | Fire Technology |
FIRE | Firefighter Training Center |
FITNS | Fitness |
Prefix | Subject Name |
GEOG | Geography |
GEOL | Geology |
Prefix | Subject Name |
HCD | Human/Career Development |
HEED | Health Education |
HIT | Health Information Technology |
HIST | History |
HMONG | Hmong |
HONOR | Honors |
HORT | Horticulture |
HSER | Human Services |
HUM | Humanities |
Prefix | Subject Name |
INDIS | Interdisciplinary Studies |
Prefix | Subject Name |
JOUR | Journalism |
Prefix | Subject Name |
KINES | Kinesiology |
Prefix | Subject Name |
LIBR | Library |
Prefix | Subject Name |
MAKR | Modern Making |
MAT | Mechanized Agriculture Technology |
MATH | Mathematics |
MATHS | Mathemetics Support |
MEDA | Medical Assisting |
MGMT | Management |
MKT | Marketing |
MUFHL | Music - Fundamentals, History, and Literature |
MUIVI | Music - Instrumental/Voice Instruction |
MUP | Music - Performance |
MUSM | Music - Specializations in Music |
Prefix | Subject Name |
NUTRI | Nutrition |
Prefix | Subject Name |
PACT | Personal Activity |
PHARM | Pharmacy Technology |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHOTO | Photography |
PHYS | Physics |
PLTS | Plant Science |
POLS | Political Science |
PSYC | Psychology |
Prefix | Subject Name |
RE | Real Estate |
RECR | Recreation |
RLST | Religious Studies |
RTVF | Radio, Television and Film |
Prefix | Subject Name |
SGVT | Student Government |
SJS | Social Justice Studies |
SOC | Sociology |
SOCSC | Social Sciences |
SONOG | Diagnostic Medical Sonography |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPORT | Sports |
STAT | Statistics |
SWHS | Social Work/Human Services |
Prefix | Subject Name |
TA | Theatre Arts |
TAP | Theatre Arts Performance |
TMACT | Team Activity |
Prefix | Subject Name |
VT | Veterinary Technology |
VIET | Vietnamese |
Prefix | Subject Name |
WELD | Welding |
WEXP | Work Experience |