Athletic Counseling and Enrichment Services (ACE) supports student-athletes in their academic and professional growth. To schedule an appointment with the athletic counselor, please call (916) 691-7316 or stop by L200, 2nd floor Library Building.
Services Provided
Students are required to obtain and report grade and attendance information via progress reports ("grade checks") three times per semester. That information is then evaluated by the athletic counselor and the student personnel assistant (SPA) and those students who need an intervention are offered suggestions or strategies for how to improve or maintain their success.
Students are regularly informed and reminded of community college intercollegiate athletic participation regulations and requirements for eligibility. For those students who are interested in transferring to a 4-year school to continue their athletic careers, they are educated on NCAA and NAIA rules as well. The athletic counselor works with each student individually to help them devise an educational plan that not only puts them in position to meet their academic objectives, but that also positions them to be able to meet their immediate and forthcoming athletic eligibility requirements.
A voluntary service in which students meet weekly with the athletic counselor and/or student personnel assistant (SPA). During these meetings the counselor or SPA will helps students gain the skills required to succeed in their current classes. This voluntary service is available to all CRC student-athletes, but is most beneficial for those needing extra academic support.
All students are required to establish and maintain a Student Educational Plan (SEP) that maps out the coursework necessary to pursue their goals. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with the counselor at least once per semester to revisit and revise the SEP as needed.
The athletic counselor assists with personal, family or other social concerns that may affect students' academic progress and overall well-being. Referral information to community agencies for mental health and social service related assistance is available.
Counselors guide students through activities designed to assess abilities and interests, and help students explore various majors and careers.
Meetings and Workshops
All incoming student-athletes starting classes in the fall are strongly encouraged to attend a first semester course planning session with the athletic counselor. Students receive a brief campus orientation and establish a schedule plan for the first semester. This event typically takes place during the latter part of the previous spring semester.
Students who are starting classes in spring semester (or who missed their initial planning session) should contact the athletic counselor to make alternative arrangements for course planning.
All new and continuing students are required to attend our annual orientation in which they learn more about the ACE Program services, campus wide resources, CRC Athletic Department policies and procedures and a host of other topics relevant to students who plan to participate in athletics at CRC. This mandatory event is held every August during the first week of classes.
This event is designed for continuing CRC student-athletes and is aimed to provide information and resources necessary for successful course planning and registration for the upcoming term. These meetings are typically held in a group format a couple of weeks prior to the opening of continuing student registration (Priority 0). In addition to pre-registration related information, community college athletic eligibility rules are reviewed.
Topics include time management, organization and life management, and use of career and major exploration tools such as ASSIST and EUREKA. Let us know if there is an academic, major or career related topic you want to learn more about! Check with the athletic counselor or the student personnel assistant for the most current schedule of topics, dates and locations.
Shirley Murillo
(916) 691-7647
Tuesday and Wednesday:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Drop-ins are welcome but availability is not guaranteed.
Community and Athletic Center CAC-130B