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CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) is a statewide public assistance program that provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child or children in the home.

Please note: Counselors for the CalWORKs program are only available to serve students who are active in this program. Students not in this program will be redirected to the General Counseling link or phone number, so that the appropriate appointment can be made.

Meet with CalWORKs

What is the CalWORKs Program?

The CalWORKs program at Cosumnes River College (CRC) assists students with pursuing their educational and occupational goals while meeting welfare-to-work county guidelines and requirements.

The CRC CalWORKs program staff and counselors are here to:

  • Ensure students are enrolled and following an Individual Student Educational Plan (ISEP) that leads to self-sufficiency
  • Assist students in understanding their rights and responsibilities as a student of Los Rios and a recipient of CalWORKs
  • Ensure students are receiving the county supportive services for which they are eligible
  • Create an environment within the CalWORKs program that is intentional, streamlined, and cohesive

How to Apply

Applying to CalWORKs begins with an online application. See the Apply to CalWORKs page to learn more.

Apply to CalWORKs

Services Provided


(916) 691-7365 (phone)
(916) 691-7434 (fax)

Spring Hours

January 6 to May 22


Monday to Friday:
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday:
Closed for holidays:
January 20; February 14; February 17; March 31; May 26


College Center, CC 254