Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the EOPS program:
- Be registered for 12 units (some students with exceptional conditions may be accepted at a reduced load if they are part of the DSPS program)
- Qualify to receive the California College Promise Grant (formerly BOG Fee Waiver, A or B) with less than or equal to $0 Student Aid Index (SAI).
- Apply for FAFSA/Dream Act
- Undocumented students who are eligible for AB540 and the California College Promise Grant may apply for EOPS. To apply for the California College Promise Grant, fill out the California DREAM Act application. Please note: CA College Promise Grant does NOT have a March 2nd deadline; students may continue to apply throughout the academic year.
- Undocumented Students who need assistance in completing the AB540 form or who need more information can make an appointment with the CRC Dream Center.
- Have earned less than 70 degree-applicable college units from any college or universities that you have attended
- Submit an application to the EOPS program
- Meet one of the following criteria:
- Be a first-generation college student
- Have a high school GPA below 2.5
- Did not graduate high school or pass the high school proficiency exam (GED)
To make your application process smoother, be sure to have the following completed before applying:
- Be enrolled in 12 units or more. (You can combine courses from CRC and other colleges within the Los Rios Community College District to meet this requirement. At least one course from the 12 units must be from CRC.)
- Complete your FAFSA/CADAA/CCPG for the academic year of 2025-2026.
- Have an updated two-semester Student Educational Plan (SEP) reflecting Fall 2025 and Spring 2026. (You will need to meet with a counselor to have this updated.)
- Provide unofficial transcripts form any college outside of Los Rios Community College District if you have attended.
- If you are part of the Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) and have an approved reduced unit load, you may be exempt from the 12-unit enrollment requirement. Please obtain a letter of reduced units from the DSPS department and submit it along with your application.
Once you have been approved for EOPS and completed the orientation, you must fulfill the following responsibilities to remain in the program and continue receiving services:
- Complete the 1st Contact: Meet with an EOPS Counselor
- Students must complete their 1st Contact by meeting with an EOPS counselor via zoom, or in-person appointment.
- Complete the 2nd Contact: Meet with an EOPS Counselor
- Students must complete their 2nd Contact by meeting with an EOPS counselor via zoom, or in-person appointment.
- Complete the 3rd Contact - Online Form
- Students must complete their 3rd Contact through the 3rd Contact Online Form. You'll be required to inform our program of what classes you plan to enroll in for the upcoming semester. Dates for in-person assistance to complete the 3rd Contact Online Form will be available for those who need help completing the online form.
EOPS Application Form
The EOPS application is currently closed and will reopen for Fall 2025. The opening date for the Fall 2025 application will be announced soon.